
This package is developed manly for teaching purposed at TUHH. The students should learn process modelling features and the complexity of the wastewater treatment system. The modelica language was a very fruitful approach, because
the students can develop a complex model and don’t have to worry about the
numerical methods to solve their equation. To give the student a sustainable tool, open source software was required. Thank’s to Lund University to publish the OpenModelica platform ( that included the modelica library. The basic constructs are working perfectly but many libraries (as well as third party libraries) are leading to frustration, because they have a limited documentation and have bugs in OpenModelica. The Open Modelica User’s Guide is available in the newest version (“OpenModelica User’s Guide” n.d.) at

The Wastewater package, originally developed by Gerald Reichl ((Reichl et al.
2006)) were adopted to Dymola, (C) Dassault Systèmes(R), where the free
version is not able to solve these amount on equations. In Modelica a concept of
“connector” exist that is relaxed in Dymola. Another argument is to develop a
wastewater library for wastewater professional/student to make use in practise
and education. The original approach was more adopted to control engineering
and matlab/simulik.

Gerald Reichl took a lot of work to make nice icons, that are recycled in this
approach. He made modells for ASM 1,2d, and 3 and different clarifier models.
Here we are focusing on the ASM1 only and a simplified clarifier model and the
model of Takács (1991) only. The clarifier model have a minor effect to the result and one model gives a good base for further development. In addition, a sludgetreatment in involved, with thickener und centrifuge as well as anaerobic
digester. The Anaerobic digester model ADM is mainly developed for sludge
digestion. The implementation was mainly done by Moritz Liedke (Liedke, Moritz 2017) in the frame of his master thesis at TUHH.

In the frame of this documentation the wastewater models are not explained.
Please refer following references: (Henze 2007), ((Batstone et al. 2002)),(Copp,
John B. 2001) and (Copp et al. 2002)